Thursday, November 29, 2012

Year of Faith (Vol. 2)

Ever come across those articles that leave you pondering for days?

This article from the Catholic News agency is one of them. In it, the journalist discusses the Year of Faith and renewing faith in the American Church. If you have been around for a while now you know that I have a deep devotion to praying for radical conversion and passionate faith in our country.

A line that caught me dead in my tracks ...

“The appropriate response to relativism is faith, where you no longer are the center of the universe, you are no longer the one who decides what’s true, but you commit yourself in faith to God’s truth”

The article focuses alot on the lack of faith among people who call themselves Catholic, or as I like to call them "Facebook only Catholics". Saying...

"it’s easier for the Church to convince people who are not Catholics of the truth of Catholicism than to convince Catholics who aren’t true believers that they ought to change”

Wow, makes you think about all that evangelism encompasses. Not only must we evangalize to those who do not know the Truth but also to those who are only living a half truth. For half Truth is no Truth at all.

This Year of Faith has only just begun and there is so much more to dive into.

"The call to conversion and witness that is part of the Year of Faith, offers an opportunity for the Church in America to be renewed and grow stronger"

Just gives you goosebumps.

So let us go out and preach the Gospel to those in the pews, those in line at the grocery store, those in our family, and when necesary, use words.

Live joy.