Thursday, January 31, 2013
Marian Monday---Immaculate Heart of Mary Gift
Marian Monday, well posted Thursday due to the hectic past few days I have been having.
I don't have any profound quotes or attempt at coherent thoughts myself just a simple picture of Our Lady and her Immaculate Heart.
This was a gift to my Goddaughter for her baptism. I wanted something that would grow with her and inspire her and this fit the bill. I am super picky about my Mary statues and pictures, the expression has to be just right. I liked this one because of her youth, the expression of her eyes, the simplicity and the over all beauty of the piece.
I ordered it off etsy and the woman sold it has prints of other images of Mary and saints and her shop.
And there is your Marian Monday. Nothing too profound just something for you to see and maybe check out and get one for your self.

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The gift I gave to my goddaughter on her Baptism. So beautiful!! |
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This color combo made me so happy!! |
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We had a bake sale to raise money for our Haiti mission trip. It made me so happy how much money we made and seeing the team interact. |
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Only at Franciscan do you find a miraculous medal hidden among a bunch of change aquired at above bake sale |
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When I was home for the baptism I worked for my mom one day sending out 1500 letters to parishioners who gave money during 2012. I came out victorious with only one paper cut!! |
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These lab values are going to get the best of me. |
If you are a visitor from Like Mother, Like Daughter I hope you will follow me and come back for more posts about nursing school, Our Lady, and Haiti just to name a few!!
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
First Med/Surg Clinical--Check
I had my first med/surg clinical yesterday. After a summer, semester of OB and PEDS, and a winter break this clinical was very much like riding a bike when you haven't ridden one for a while.
Part of the day was like old habits--turn a patient, take vitals, change linens, make sure call button is within in reach. However part of the day was that "tipping falling of the bike, do I really remember what I am doing" feeling. I had forgotten how hard it can be to hear lung sounds and feel pulses on elderly sick patients. I had purposely blocked out of my memory how heart breaking it is to hear a vent patient cough. I forgot how heavy overweight low weight barring patients can be.
The biggest impression made on me yesterday however was how blessed I am to be young and healthy. It is really hard to watch a patients O2 saturation go down simple because you turned them or took their vitals. Seeing that makes me thankful for the health I have and causes me to want to do what I can to keep that health for as long as possible.
Hopefully, I will have many more clinical stories to tell throughout this semester.
Live joy.
Part of the day was like old habits--turn a patient, take vitals, change linens, make sure call button is within in reach. However part of the day was that "tipping falling of the bike, do I really remember what I am doing" feeling. I had forgotten how hard it can be to hear lung sounds and feel pulses on elderly sick patients. I had purposely blocked out of my memory how heart breaking it is to hear a vent patient cough. I forgot how heavy overweight low weight barring patients can be.
The biggest impression made on me yesterday however was how blessed I am to be young and healthy. It is really hard to watch a patients O2 saturation go down simple because you turned them or took their vitals. Seeing that makes me thankful for the health I have and causes me to want to do what I can to keep that health for as long as possible.
Hopefully, I will have many more clinical stories to tell throughout this semester.
Live joy.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
What I Wore Sunday (Vol.10)
Haven't done this for a while. Between being home, being sick, and crazy first week back at school taking a picture of what I wore to Mass wasn't on the top of my priority list. And I hate to disappoint but this week isn't that much better. I was a Godmother today to a sweet baby girl and of course she took the show in her adorableness and wiped clean of orginal sin state.
I wore a tan button down dress, brown sweater and tights, and red heels-nothing too exciting. I do have to say dressing to be a Godmother (or mother I imagine) isn't for the weak fashioned. It is not about you so you don't want to be flassy but at the same time you will be in pictures so you want to look good, walkable heels, and no scarves or jewelry that get tangled up in cuddling the baby. In the end my roommate helped me find a workable outfit.
I joyfully celebrate this new little soul claimed forever as His and pray for her to always walk in the Truth of the Church.
Live joy.
I joyfully celebrate this new little soul claimed forever as His and pray for her to always walk in the Truth of the Church.
Live joy.
Saturday, January 26, 2013
I Love Catholicism
I love being Catholic. When I think about how beautiful the Church is with its 2000 year history of Truth, the saints, the stunning buildings, the call to vocations, the eternal touching the temporal with the sacraments, my heart starts to pitter patter. Like any other love, this love gets hard. Christ asks much of us, Mass can be boring, and running against popular secular culture gets tiring. However, we can't stop running the race.
People want Truth. People want to receive the Lord's love. People want real joy. For their sake we must live and love our Faith. As young people we must live what the world so desperately needs- the truth of Jesus.
Watch this video. Be inspired to live your Catholic faith with passion and purpose.
"Be who you were meant to be and you will set the world on fire" -St. Catherine of Sienna
Thursday, January 24, 2013
{pretty, happy, funny, real}
Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life ~

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One of my best friends and big in household, Emily, came into town for the weekend. If I do say so myself, we are a pretty pair. |
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FOP this past weekend. It makes my soul happy to see so many students and visitors praising the Lord. |
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Shopping with some sisters, made even sweeter by finding some great items. |
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Chick-fil-a can always make you happy. (Sad story-half that milkshake spilled in my car.) |
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Breakfast at said beloved breakfast place. |
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The power point for said class had 192 slides. Real life. |
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The Steubenville rape case, though not in any way associated with the University, is so sad. Students gather to watch the Dr. Phil special about our beloved town. |
Live joy.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
What a Day
It is freezing her in Steubenville. This temperature was captured part way through the day.
When I woke up this morning my main objective was to dress in the warmest possible clothes. I think I achieved it. Tank top, topped with flannel finished off with a thick detailed cardigan.
It takes about 3 minutes just to dress and undress when going in and out of buildings-hat, gloves, scarf, boots.
So cold that all the water bottles stowed or left in my car had frozen.
Even though it is ridiculously cold, on this somber day you have to be thankful that you were one of the lucky ones to survive.
So many others are never even granted the right to be born but instead are killed by their mothers in the womb---the place that is supposed to be safe.
Today, we remember 40 years of killing that have been allowed in our country. We mourn over the millions of lives lost. As a young person, it can bring me nearly to tears to think about all the classmates and friends that I have never even had the chance to know.
Let's prayer that their isn't another 40 years, not even another year. We can't stop fighting. Although the battle may be tiring and seem unending, we can never stop. Souls depend on it.
I pray today for an end to abortion and that life may be respected from the moment of conception to the time of natural death.
Pray with me, fight the good fight with me.
Live joy.
Monday, January 21, 2013
Marian Monday--Witness
Being back to Steubenville is back into high gear and I am attempting to find my stride. It hasn't all been painful however, prayer opportunities have been abundant with a FOP, household life Mass, opening semester Mass, daily Mass, and household commitments. The Lord is already calling me on to great things for this semester and I am so excited to see all the places he has to take me. Many ideas are starting to role around in my head for Marian Monday topics, many which need to be pondered a bit more (a Marian idea in it of itself!!). I feel myself though wanting to write a bit about my Marian witness over the years.
I grew up in Catholic home (you can read more about my deeper conversion here) and always knew about Mary. Memorized the Hail Mary in Kindergarten, knew the rosary was related to her, and thought she looked awful beautiful in the Nativity. In high school, she was often brought up in LIFETEEN and in particular a CORE member of the ministry, a grandpa to all, was in love with her and she had done alot of work in his life. However it was upon coming to Franciscan that Mary took a whole new role in my life.
Here at Franciscan people are obsessed with Our Lady. Want to discuss a woman who is loved and talked about by all, nothing compares to Mary. It was at FUS that I learned about consecration to Our Lady and during my first semester here I did a consecration to Our Lady with preparation by St. Louis de Monefort (another topic for another day!).
Between then and now I have taken a class all about her, Mariology, taught by Dr. Marivalle, a Marian specialist often involved in Vatican happenings (I highly suggest his Introduction to Mary book which was written at the the request of professors of other schools to be used as a text book in their schools who aren't lucky enough to have him present as a professor) It was in the class that I realized the depth and richness of what the Bible and the Church teaches us about Our Lady.
I have renewed my consecration multiple times both again through St. Louis de Monefort and also with preparation by St. Maximilian Kolbe. I have joined a household with an alive and deep devotion to Our Lady. Our name, Regina Angelorum, literally means queen of the Angels. (I promise a household post, I am being rude and leaving all the non-frannies in suspense).
On a day to day basis I strive to live in imitation of Our Lady. Sometimes I succeed and other times I fall on my butt in utter failure. I desire to pray a daily rosary, I know that I am more who the Lord calls me to be when I make it a part of my day. There are times when I rock the daily rosary and other times when I run dry.
I could go on and on about all the aspects of Our Lady that are significant to me but there are more Mondays ahead. Here however I hope you find a personal short summary of who Our Lady is to me. I hope you will subscribe and come around again for more about Our Lady, her scapular, the rosary, consecration, her virtues, and anything that floats my boat.
Saturday, January 19, 2013
7 Quick Takes (Vol. 7)
7 takes for the 7th Volume!
How do you like this gem I found when I was still at home! In this picture I am about four months old, I love how into it my parents are and how obviously uninterested I am.
I refuse to eat a carrot that looks like legs, 'nuff said.
Catholic problems--the dust that accumulates in Mary's mantels.
I love this time of the semester when you don't really have work to do yet. So what did I do? Took a whole afternoon to watch Gilmore Girls with some of my household sisters under an electric blanket.
One of my closest friends and my big in household is in town so that means chicken, cranberry, and walnut salads for lunch.
I was going to do this update only of instagram pictures and then I wanted to make sure you saw my recent spiritual reflection post and had a something to say about nursing so consider it a hodge smodge Quick Takes.
How do you like this gem I found when I was still at home! In this picture I am about four months old, I love how into it my parents are and how obviously uninterested I am.
I refuse to eat a carrot that looks like legs, 'nuff said.
Catholic problems--the dust that accumulates in Mary's mantels.
I love this time of the semester when you don't really have work to do yet. So what did I do? Took a whole afternoon to watch Gilmore Girls with some of my household sisters under an electric blanket.
One of my closest friends and my big in household is in town so that means chicken, cranberry, and walnut salads for lunch.
--- 7 ---
We learned lab values this week!! I love that I can now look at a print out of ABGs, blood draw, or urine analysis and get a decent snap shot of what is going on with the patient.
For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
What a loaded word it is.
When we receive the Blessed Sacrament at Mass our Amen is more than just one simple word.
Amen. With faith, I believe that this is truly the Body and Blood of Christ.
Amen. I know I need the Eucharist more than breath itself.
Amen. I believe in the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and live everlasting.
Amen. It is with this Blessed Sacrament that I have the strength to do anything in life.
Amen. I allow myself to receive the love You pour down from love Himself.
Live joy.
Friday, January 11, 2013
7 Quick Takes (Vol. 6)

Today is my last week day of break and I will be heading back to the 'ville on Sunday. It's bittersweet. I am ready to get back to my friends and normal routine but I am going to miss these lazy days doing pretty much whatever I want.
My classes this semester are Med/Surg, Psych and to finish off my theology minor-Principles of Biblical Studies II. I am excited to learn all the basic knowledge of Med/Surg, the crazy stories of Psych and indifferent to PBS II.
I know a lot of people come up with a word for the year. As a student, my years are more easily measured in semesters rather than calendar years. I have been praying about a word and I have been led to the word...
Looking ahead at the semester this word makes sense but at the same time it scares me to think of the things the Lord might call me to this semester. Still praying about it and still seeking His word in Sacred Scripture.
Speaking of the beginning of the semester how do you like my new time organizational tool I created? I am so excited to put it to use.
So what is my biggest time organization woe? Clinical work. With each clinical I have to do preplanning and a variety of write ups. All are due just about every week and they are always in flux so I struggle to keep track of what I have already done and what still needs to be done. Here is hoping it goes better this semester.
I am not looking forward to packing up yet again. Of course I don't have to pack up everything because I still have most of my stuff at school but I have more than a bag or two to bring back. Those who are in a long term housing situation, i.e. longer than a year, be thankful.
A recent quote that stood out to me from Jesus of Nazareth (I know I have been reading it forever I just need to finish it!!)
"We who are privileged to receive the Eucharist as our bread must nevertheless always pray that non of us be permanently cut off and severed from the body of Christ"
Makes me re-think the times I don't feel like going to Mass....
For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!
Thursday, January 10, 2013
{pretty, happy, funny, real}
~ Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life ~

I love our Church decorated for Christmas.
I got to spend time this week with one of my household sisters who lives in the same area as I do. It was so wonderful to sit and enjoy coffee together.
Apparently the only thing funny going on in my life while I am home is my dogs. Ain't this picture just hilarious though.
Yeap my weekend was full of sick. I ate so many oranges trying to starve it off that I ended up with a canker sore. Lovely. On the mend and finishing off my z-pack soon.
Live joy.

I love our Church decorated for Christmas.
I got to spend time this week with one of my household sisters who lives in the same area as I do. It was so wonderful to sit and enjoy coffee together.
Apparently the only thing funny going on in my life while I am home is my dogs. Ain't this picture just hilarious though.
Yeap my weekend was full of sick. I ate so many oranges trying to starve it off that I ended up with a canker sore. Lovely. On the mend and finishing off my z-pack soon.
Live joy.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Reading List
I have a mighty lot of books stacked up that I have begun to read but haven't taken the time to finish. One of my goals over Christmas break is to hake away at them.
Included in the stack is:
**Mother Theresa: Come Be My Light
**Where There is Love, There is God
**At the Heart of the Gospel: Reclaiming the Body for the New Evangelization
**Jesus of Nazareth
And on my phone, using Overdrive, the audio of....
**Kisses from Katie: A Story of Relentless Love and Redemption
And maybe one day I will be able to make a stab at this list of 100 Books to read in the Year of Faith. I have read 11, 12 (at least 3 times), 20, 35 (at least twice), and most of 38.
Live joy.
I have a mighty lot of books stacked up that I have begun to read but haven't taken the time to finish. One of my goals over Christmas break is to hake away at them.
Included in the stack is:
**Mother Theresa: Come Be My Light
**Where There is Love, There is God
**At the Heart of the Gospel: Reclaiming the Body for the New Evangelization
**Jesus of Nazareth
And on my phone, using Overdrive, the audio of....
**Kisses from Katie: A Story of Relentless Love and Redemption
And maybe one day I will be able to make a stab at this list of 100 Books to read in the Year of Faith. I have read 11, 12 (at least 3 times), 20, 35 (at least twice), and most of 38.
Live joy.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
5 Things I Am Loving Right Now
I have been wanting to do a "favorites" post for a while so once I saw Julie hosting a link up for favorite things my little link up loving heart couldn't pass it up.

These are in no particular order....
1. Instagram
I am obsessed, I find myself many times throughout the day looking at-the people I follow and searching random hashtags. (Click on the instagram link to the right to follow me)
2. Snow
There is something so magically about freshly fallen snow. I love when it is snowing but not enough to really mess with the roads. Beautiful.
3. Sewing
I always claimed I wasn't a sewer but over winter break I have tried my hand at it a few times and I love it.
4. My New Boots
Not only were these boots hugely discounted but they are leather and cowboy inspired. I think I am going to be wearing them an awful lot for these next few wintry months. Maybe they will even make an appearance with some shorts over the summer. Maybe.
5. My mom's sock drawer
When I come home I don't bring home socks and juststeal borrow them from my mom's drawers (Yeap she has TWO drawers of socks, obviously she doesn't miss them) and she has a lot of thick cozy socks that might just have to be borrowed all the way back to Steubenville.

These are in no particular order....
1. Instagram
I am obsessed, I find myself many times throughout the day looking at-the people I follow and searching random hashtags. (Click on the instagram link to the right to follow me)
2. Snow
There is something so magically about freshly fallen snow. I love when it is snowing but not enough to really mess with the roads. Beautiful.
3. Sewing
I always claimed I wasn't a sewer but over winter break I have tried my hand at it a few times and I love it.
4. My New Boots
Not only were these boots hugely discounted but they are leather and cowboy inspired. I think I am going to be wearing them an awful lot for these next few wintry months. Maybe they will even make an appearance with some shorts over the summer. Maybe.
5. My mom's sock drawer
When I come home I don't bring home socks and just
Monday, January 7, 2013
Marian Monday--"Yes"
Linking up for the second week of Marian Mondays.
With a blog title like "Here I am the Handmaid of the Lord" how could I not talk about the Annunciation. The story of the Annunciation from the first chapter of Luke is a story filled with richness. The whole event can be summed up in one word, yes. Our Lady, without knowing what the future would hold, said yes to the will of God.
Each day our life is filled with decisions and on some of these days we are hit with decisions of the bigger variety. Whether the decisions is how do we respond to the person we are talking with or what is the next big stop of my life regarding my school, career, or vocation we must actively seek the will of the Lord, and like Mary respond with a Yes.
Mediate on Our Lady of the Annunciation, dive deeper into her yes, and say your own yes to to the Lord today.
Live joy.
With a blog title like "Here I am the Handmaid of the Lord" how could I not talk about the Annunciation. The story of the Annunciation from the first chapter of Luke is a story filled with richness. The whole event can be summed up in one word, yes. Our Lady, without knowing what the future would hold, said yes to the will of God.
Each day our life is filled with decisions and on some of these days we are hit with decisions of the bigger variety. Whether the decisions is how do we respond to the person we are talking with or what is the next big stop of my life regarding my school, career, or vocation we must actively seek the will of the Lord, and like Mary respond with a Yes.
Mediate on Our Lady of the Annunciation, dive deeper into her yes, and say your own yes to to the Lord today.
Live joy.
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