Friday, January 24, 2014

7QT (Vol.23)

I voted for the Sheenazing Awards @ A Knotted Life.  Did you?  Also I would be lying if I said I didn't vote for the Not Alone Series as the Best Link-Up.

Did you notice that those links are easier to read?  I needed a little tune up on the design here at this bloggity, I wanted the links a littler darker so that they were easier to read and the tabs on the left weren't working.  Rebekah @ LeCharmedBotique took care of it real quick without any question.  Seriously, if you want an affordable custom blog design you have to check her out.  So I see she has figured out how great she is and has raised her prices since I used her but it is only because she is worth it!

So I have been doing alot of research into essential oils lately. I have recently ordered and started using Young Living's Thieves oil (rub it on my feet every morning).  However, I am just not convinced that Young Living or DoTerra are worth it.  I am really interested in Eden's Garden.  Anyone else into essential oils who can share some of your thoughts?  Especially anyone who has used Eden's Garden?

I guest posted for Sarah this week @ Footprints on my Heart.  The series is called "Our Friends the Saints" and I wrote about Our Lady of the Annunciation.   Go check it out, it isn't a half bad expression of why I love Our Lady under her title of Our Lady of the Annunciation so much.

Despite being a nursing major I don't normally post anything about poop on here, but sometimes things involving poop are just too funny not to show you.  Read this.  You will be laughing out loud.  I just don't think you can make that stuff up.  My favorite, "Be sure to also buy a tub of Oxyclean...[for] your underwear, clothes, furniture, pets, loved ones, ceiling fans."  I am sorry, I promise not to post anything else about poop for at least another 3 months.

So this semester for my preceptorship, where I work with a nurse one-on-one, I will be working nearly only night shifts.  Any tips for how to be up all night and still have a resemblance of a normal life from you veteran night shifters?

After that poop and night shift talk I have to leave you with something precious so why not this video of a restaurant owner who happens to have down syndrome.  He doesn't let an extra chromosome mess with his dreams.

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

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  1. The blog design is lovely!
    Um, I may have complimented you on the blog design juuuust so my main reason for commenting was NOT poop...but those reviews were so stinking {ha, literally} funny!!! My sister and I were cracking up! Thanks for sharing :)

  2. I am going to check Rebekah out! I really need to do something with my blog. It's just so boring. ha.

    As far as night shift... guh... it's rough. It's not my fave thing. You may find you love it... some people really do. Anyway, try to get your shifts together... at least 2 in a row... with at least 2 days off in between. On the day you start a stretch, get up really early and exercise, go to an early mass, etc and then take a long nap by noonish and get up around 5. Drink coffee. Walk around at night. The 3-5am range is the hardest. Get some candies/gum. Don't drink coffee too close to the end of the shift b/c you want to be able to sleep.

    Now, if you don't have to work that same night, I would still sleep a few hours. Trust me. You will be a crazy person if you don't.

    And... well, if you have trouble sleeping during the day, pop a Benadryl and have a glass of wine! :)
