Tuesday, January 13, 2015

NAS: Looking Ahead to 2015

How are we going to make 2015 different than last year? What goals are you planning/making to be more YOU this year? These can be goals can be personal growth, spiritual life, physical/health, or even your love life! Maybe you don't have concrete ones yet, but it helps to talk them out and get motivated!

Another Tuesday, another round of the Not Alone Series.  Linking up with Morgan and Jen for a post about 2015. 

So I already hosted a link-up answering questions about looking ahead to 2015 (I extended the link up if any of you ladies who haven't already linked up want to) and chatted a bit about my word for 2015 but the NAS challanges me to dive even deeper. 

2015 is the very first year I will be a big kid for the whole year--a year of independence and pacychecks, a year of responsibility and bills.  I don't even know where this year will take me!  My goals really haven't changed much ever-pray more, exercise more, make time with people more intentional, be a more Christ like nurse, date :), etc, etc but I am not going to pretend like they are all magically going to happen just because I said they should.  I am going to continue to challenge myself to make small concrete goals to become the best version of myself.  There are going to be days that I feel like I am on top of the world and days that I feel like I am falling face forward.  No saint ever became a saint in a day but by intentionally living each day becoming more and more Christ like.  In short, my goal is to be one year closer to heaven by the end of 2015.  

Ladies, I pray that we are all able to achieve, or at least get closer to our goals and to become more like the saints we were created to be. 
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1 comment:

  1. "I pray that we are all able to... become more like the saints we were created to be."

    Beautiful! This is my prayer as well!
