Thursday, February 21, 2013

7 Quick Takes (Vol. 9)

--- 1 ---

Haven't been around these parts of the woods for a while.  Last weekend I was on Born of the Spirit  retreat and have been so busy with school.  After Spring Break I will have time again.  I won't be leading a mission trip and I will have a AA meeting in Weirton instead of a Psych clinical in Pittsburgh.

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Psych clinical.  This week I had a patient that I will forever carry with me.  I pray to my guardian angel that I remember to pray for him every day for the rest of my life.  He was only one month younger then me and I saw in him the ability to get better and beat his addiction.

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Med/Surg clinical.  It is so easy to see Christ in these patients.  They are so very sick and when you hold their hand, listen to them, and carefully move them you are truly caring for the very body of Christ.

--- 4 ---

Sick. Sick. Sick.  Everyone here is sick.  Wait a second and you will hear a sniffle or cough.  I wasn't able to escape it this time.  Sick two times in a little over a month is so unlike me.  Thankfully it is not full blown, just a raw throat, cough, and under the weather feeling.

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I might be a little late in this but Valentine's Day was great.  Our household brothers set the bar really high, my roommate and I showered each other in gifts all day and ended the day with a romantic dinner for the two of us and another roommate.   Favorite Valentine's Day yet.

 Our household brothers, the Knights of the Holy Queen, set the bar super high for every other man on campus on Valentine's Day.  They all wore suits to 6:30 Mass, sprinted out at the end of Mass and served us breakfast while serenading us with violin and cello.  Honestly, we do not deserve all the ways they love us but I for one am so very appreciative of it.  

I came back from a bathroom break during psych nursing class and found this on my desk.  My roommate is so good to me.  Not only does she know I love McDonald's coffee but she also knows exactly how I like it. 

Our romantic dinner.  We moved the kitchen table into the living room for something different and ate by the light of votive candles. 

Even Polka Padre got in on the Valentine's Day fun.  I thought this was just so hilarious. 

--- 6 ---

If you are in the Steubenville area or a student at Franciscan let me introduce you to an awesome talk series Regina Angelorum is sponsoring 

Look at those topics and speakers!!  This is really going to rock your socks.  If you are not a student or in the area we are looking into recording them so I will be sure to let you know if that happens.  All I have got to say is, Satan watch out, there is about to be a whole lot of people on fire about fighting the good fight of faith!!

--- 7 ---
This weekend I am going on retreat with household.  Please pray for us!!  Regina Angelorum, Queen of the Angels, pray for us.

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  If you haven't already, go check out the first part of my God in Austria series about my semester in Austria.

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. Omigosh, what a great post! I want to comment on everything!

    I'll condense it: my husband feels really called lately to work with patients (though of the physically ill persuasion) and finds so much hope there. It's amazing. Also, I've been sick 3 times this season! No sun will do that to you, I guess. Next, you're right- those boys did SO GOOD! I've always loved Valentine's Day, even when no one wanted to be my Valentine. Who can argue with an excuse to try extra hard and be extra sweet to everyone? Polka Padre- my hubs would love that. Lastly, "Spiritual Warfare vs. Having a Bad Day"... I am so intrigued by that!

    I nominated you for a Liebster Award. To claim it (and your easy blogging material), check it out here!:

  2. Thanks so much for the affirmation!! Yeah I know isn't the "Spiritual Strength v. Having a Bad Day" so interesting, I will be sure to post some sort of update on it. Thanks for the nomination, I hope you saw that I did claim and respond to it!!
