Friday, February 28, 2014

7QT (Vol. 24)

So all the time I jot down 7 quick take takes in a post and then every few weeks actually post a seven quick takes post.  Not sure where I was going with this but this is what I stuck in.  "You know you go to a Catholic school when your punishment for being too loud during quiet hours is doing a holy hour for the girls of the dorm. Boy do I love my school!"  I think this was a status of a friend.  And it is true, I have heard about this happening all the time.  

Here is another one.  What Catholic Girls are Like in the Chapel.  Bahaha, so much is true.

I am also dusting off posts that have been sitting in my drafts.  Like this one about being lovely for your husband. Also a book review on Hiking the Camino.

I am about to jump into reading Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover  (affiliate link).  As I mentioned in my 2014 Goals (Goals update coming soon) I want to start out right when it comes to money.  I have heard so many good things about his program and I want to give it a shot.  Have any of you used his ideas.  How did it go?

I know everyone is singing the same tune but I am finally now getting to that point where I am so over this cold winter thing.  Yesterday I stopped wearing my to the knees warm winter coat.  Partially because it is dirty, thinned out, and has a hole in the pocket but also because I am just so over it.  It shall be my North Face for at least a few days despite the fact that the North Face isn't as warm .

Laura @ My Drop in the Ocean  asked me to guest post about pretty much any topic.  About a little discussion back and forth I ended up writing advice to ladies at a passionately Catholic College.  Go check the post out.

Veiling for Mass.  Sometime I have to do a whole post about how much I go back and forth with wearing a Chapel veil.  I currently don't veil but I defiantly have and continue to think about doing it.  Especially with graduating and starting fresh somewhere would be a perfect time to begin.  Jessica @ Shower of Roses wrote a post about how veiling as a Lenten Sacrifice turned into beloved devotion.  It has gotten me thinking all over again.

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

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  1. yay excited to go read your guest post!

  2. Thanks for linking, Natalie! So glad to be able to share that. Ahh! I have been thinking about veiling for months now and have one that I got for Christmas. But I just haven't started yet. I'm not sure why . . . lots of people veil here. I'd love to hear more of your thought son that!

  3. I like Dave Ramsey. I don't agree with absolutely every point, but his basic ideas are super-solid and helpful.

  4. I really liked your post and the one you linked to about being lovely for your husband :) Also your blog header looks great!
