Well over at
Team Whitaker, Kathryn is hosting a #weekinmylife link up and being the nosy-in-other-people's-daily-extraordinary-ordinary lives I was happy to join the party. Technically you were supposed to do a post a day for the week but all these busy moms are showing me up. In the meantime this single lady who just works a 40 work week is going to do one lump post.
Before I jump into Monday lets back up a bit. I worked Friday night from 7p-3a, drove to Cleveland and got to my parents house about 5am and slept until 9ish, woke up and got ready for a 11 o'clock wedding. The wedding was a beautiful extraordinary form Latin High Mass. After Mass, I grabbed lunch with my parents, we went back and slept for two hours and then moved over to cocktails and appetizers at about 5:30. That night I slept at my parents house but had to for leave at 8am in order to work from 11a-7p. I got off work about 7:30 and went to adoration before Mass at 9. I tell you all this because I went into my Monday running on a less than ideal amount of sleep.
#livingmyfiat The Bride and I. Made all the sleepiness worth it. |
Monday. As part of my job we have class every Monday. On this Monday I had class from 8-4:30. We learned about the hospital's Pitocin protocol, video conferenced in the for the systemwide Ebola meeting, and learned a bit about epidurals from the chief of anesthesia. I can't even remember what I had for dinner on Monday but I am sure I crashed pretty hard.
When I was eating my morning breakfast and reading scripture I noticed this and laughed. Life as a Catholic nurse. Spread the Gospel not communicable diseases. |
Tuesday I worked 7-3. I wish I could tell you lots about my job but, well, HIPPA. I can tell you I had some of my favorite patients and the day went well. I paid my credit card, set up my student loan payments and sent some money to NET ministries so I remember feeling like I just spent a whole lot of money.
I also had dinner with two of my friends from work. You want to hear this crazy. The first two girls I met at my job were friends in high school with my roommate from last year! It is such a small small world. We want to periodically go out to dinner and try restaurants that none of us have been to. It was an enjoyable evening venting and sharing our jobs. As a bonus we found a restaurant with some great fries!
Wednesday wasn't all that different expect I know I made pasta and garlic bread for dinner and that I went to bed about 8:30. When I was falling asleep at 8 I just gave up.
I posted this on the 'gram asking how many of these my fellow nurses eat. I found out that I am pretty sure the nurses eat more of these than the patients do. |
Wednesday was also the three year anniversary of me intenting to my household. This is the actual day three years ago. What a crazy adventure and blessing it has been. I love people's reactions. |
Thursday was my first of two days off. Ahh deep breath. Because I went to bed so early I woke up about 6:30. Still sleeping in compared to my usual 5am wake-up. I started the morning with some french press coffee and pumpkin pancakes from Trader Joe's. I putzed around on the computer before I finally convinced myself to work out.
Putzing and crocheting |
My working out wasn't my normal run, but Soul Core Yoga. I will do a full review once I do it a few more times but already I can tell you it will be a rave. Want to combine prayer and exercise in a very really, concrete way? Soul Core Yoga is the answer. As you are doing various yoga poses the leader also guides you through praying the rosary. In addition, the work out is perfect-challenging without being impossible. Right now I only have only bought the Luminous mysteries but I will be buying other mysteries!

Shower followed before I walked to Mass. Once again I was probably the youngest person there by at least half a century. Came back home and made myself a lunch of an egg, bacon, and cheese sandwich. Next I went to Target to look for a garmet rack that they said they only sold in online but with nothing else to do why not make a trip to Target. They in fact only sell it online but I did come out of the store with two tunics that I think will get tons of use this winter, a Minnie Mouse costume for my Goddaughter, and some Christmas gifts. I get to check out and realized I left my wallet on the couch. The very kind cashier suspends my order, I run home and grab my wallet (of course there is construction) and come back. The only reason I only actually went through all that trouble was because I still had two more stops (and lets be honest I really liked my purchases). Next up was Trader Joe's to grab some yummies and pick up some produce for my bro. Finally I had to go pick up stuff for the Color Run. Unfortunately I signed up for it before I knew my work schedule and I am working the day of the run but I wanted to pick it up because I still might sell it or at least I get a free t-shirt out of it. The idiot I am didn't know the pick-up location was on the other side of the tunnel so I sat in the beginning of rush hour traffic. At least it gave me an opportunity for patience.
I got home, made hamburgers, laid around and watched Gilmore Girls before I went to bed. I would call that a successful day off.
Now you want a donut.....sorry. |
Friday morning after getting confused about what time it was I headed to Steubenville, an hour later than I had planned due to said confusion but hey we roll with the punches. I had already enjoyed a delicious donut at the donut shop I had finally tried out down the street. After noon Mass at Franciscan I had lunch with a friend and spent the afternoon at the house of the family who I babysat since I was a freshman in college. I had missed them so and it is always crazy to see how much all the kids have grown.
After dinner, I headed back onto campus for a talk by one of my graduated household sisters about porn and the overwhelming love and mercy of Christ. She works for the
Culture Project (that picture of the two red heads, household sister and household brother, I am a lucky woman) and spends her days traveling to middle schools, high schools and colleges spreading the chastity message. Before heading back to Pittsburgh, I caught up with another household sister who was in town for a few days. We lamented and celebrated all the struggles and joys of life on the otherside-after graduating from Franciscan. How good it is for the soul to spend a day bathed in the richness of genuineness.
Kuddos to all of you who made it to the end of this long winded post. My weeks can be all over the place but I am blessed to be living the life I have been given, to be living my fiat.