Double wammy book review. Summer, unemployment and any excuse to push off studying for the NCLEX means lots and lots of time reading.
I read
Monique and the Mango Rains* during high school when the author had come to our school. I honestly didn't remember most of it and wanted to give it anther read. The author writes about her days as a peace core worker working in Mali with a midwife and general health care provider. Having mission work and midwifery on my radar, this book fit me exactly. The stories are rich, the descriptions of the African landscape are enchanting, and Monique's heart is warm and strong. Despite the book causally approving of artificial contraception, the book makes you want more. More stories, more dirt on your Chacos and more sweat dripping on your neck.
If you aren't familiar with the title
The Fault in our Stars* you probably don't watch any television seeing as it recently came out as a movie.

Before you go accusing me of being a trend follower I will tell you that I have been waiting to check it out from my library app, Overdrive, but there has been a long hold list. Ok so maybe I am not original enough to not have to be on a hold list but I was interested before I knew it was becoming a movie. And, the book really is worth the hype. It is short but the story has an incredible depth fit into the short length which I think is quiet an accomplishment. The story is raw and authentic. It flows to include real life and real death. You can't help but smile at Hazel and her boy Augustus. After reading it, actually as I read it, I understood why it had become so popular.
If you want more of review than "it was good" that is common to this hear bloggity I suggest you go check out
Proveribial Girlfriend's review of The Fault in our Stars. It says everything I wish I could say and even includes a discussion on Catholic's reading literature that is in this world and not of this world. I end with
her bottom line--
"Forgive this book’s teen sex and prepare for age appropriate discussions on the complexities of contemplating the meaning of life and afterlife, and you’ve got a read that will make your heart soar, then sore, then filled."
Some of us NAS girls are planning on starting a book club in the next couple of weeks. Currently on the NAS FB there is voting going on for which book we should read first. If you are a NAS FB follower who would like to be a part of it, please go to the FB page and vote. If you are not a NAS FB follower, not part of the NAS, or not on FB but would still like to participate please comment below and I will make sure you can participate with us. Currently, Jennifer Fulwiler's, who blogs over at
Conversion Diary, book
Something Other Than God* has the most votes.
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