Oh I am excited about this, really excited. I love the liturgical seasons of the Church. They are purposeful, rich and an incredible gift. If we just float through the seasons without purposefully embracing them we are missing out on so much the Church, the Body of Christ, has for us. Advent is no exception. It is a time for us to wait for the newborn King. To enter into the same waiting the Blessed Mother experienced. To wait for the baby in the stable and to wait for the return of Christ at the end of time. Advent is filled with so much secularism and if we aren't purposeful about celebrating the liturgical season of Advent we will get to Christmas not knowing where the season went. We need to be purposeful. I suggest we need to purposefully wait.
I have decided to be deliberate in celebrating Advent this year and I want this here bloggity to reflect that. During Advent I will not be posting anything that isn't related to Advent and growing closer to Jesus. I will not be participating in any link-ups that don't have to do with the true meaning of the Christmas season. Outside of this blog I will be reading parts of Luke 2 everyday. I will try to quiet and still my heart in the midst of finals and holiday celebrations. Each day I will be spending time purposefully prayerfully entering into the season. I want this blog during Advent to inspire and encourage you in your own Advent walk. I will post lyrics, verses, quotes, Advent related to singlehood, and Our Lady's Advent. I want to say I will post at least twice a week but that defeats the whole point. I will have a link up with this post so that if you are writing about the season of Advent you can link up (however many posts you have) and our Advent can be enriched by your words. We can be so tempted to only post about the gifts, the outfits, the food but I encourage you to be deliberate and write about the liturgical season too.
I want you and I to quiet our hearts and life. To reflect on the grandour that is the King of the Universe entering the world through a humble woman and laid to bed in straw. I want all of us to purposefully wait this Advent.

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