Sunday, May 18, 2014

Sunday Ramblings

And here I am sitting back on my parents sectional.  I am officially moved out of Steubenville and living at home until an undertermined time.  I do NOT plan on being here for any more than the summer.  I have to take my NCLEX and get a job but I have an apartment waiting for me in Pittsburgh. Until then my life is all studying and enjoying summer.

So on to the ramblings.

Yesterday I was incredibly blessed to attend the ordination for the Diocese of Cleveland where six new priests were ordained.  I can't just not mention six men joining the holy priesthood here on the blog.


The third from the left came from my home parish and was actually a CORE member while I was in LIFETEEN in high school.  He is an incredible man and is going to do amazing things at any of the parishes he will be serving at over the coming years.  It was a blessing not only to witness the ordination but also Fr. Max's first Mass at my parish. There is just something incredible about a priest saying the words of consecration for the first time.  The priesthood is truly incredible.

As I was at the ordination Mass I realized I really hope one day, Lord willing, I can be at an ordination Mass and watch a son of mine become a priest.  Anyone else ever hope and dream that?

So now onto a prayer request.  My mom is having her knee replaced tomorrow (Monday).  Please keep her in your prayers tomorrow and the weeks ahead as she heals and rehabs.

More posts are to come.  Anything in particular you guys want updates about?
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  1. Praying for your mom! Hope everything goes smoothly.

    Um, I'd love another essential oils post :) What led you to start using oils? What is your favorite oil to use? Did you encounter any oils in your nursing studies? Do people think you're a total and complete hippy because of oils? :)

  2. Um.. YES. I think about that often. How totally amazing and humbling it would be for my son to become a priest and a daughter to join a religious order.

    I hope your mom is doing ok! Prayers for her. And prayers for your studying!
