A few years ago I was reading How to Find Your Soulmate Without Losing Your Soul and was inspired to come up with list of what I wanted in my future husband. The most interesting thing about this little activity was that everything that immediately came to my mind was about what he would do rather than really pinpointing who he was. At the heart of the matter it doesn't matter if my husband will be awesome in the early postpartum weeks, take out the trash, or tell me I am beautiful. What does matter if his actions reflect an authentic sacramental love for me and if who he is as a man will help lead me to heaven. When it all boils down those are the deal breakers. The things that I will not compromise because eternity with Christ is a big deal. I really want to say deal breakers include him being responsible with money, have a daily mass devotion and be ok with my homebirthy/crunchhippy self but I know and have faith that the Lord works through any of our boundaries if it is His will. So really I just pray that I have eyes to see the man the Lord has for me to marry, to enter into that sacrament of marriage and to journey to heaven with.
This is nothing that I planned for this post to be. I really did plan on talking about daily mass devotion, breastfeeding and baby wearing, balancing the budget and my ideal master bedroom but what a lesson it is to remember that all these things are just ways that the Lord romances me through my husband's compatibility and understanding. That my husband will love me for who I am including all my quirks, desires and dreams. My deal breakers are weak and fluid but my desire for heaven is strong.