It is late November and many a turkeys are defrosting. What more could you expect than a little thankful post. I realize I am really bad at verbalizing, and honestly realizing what I am thankful for. That needs to change. Let it begin with a classic thankful post Thanksgiving week hosted @
I am thankful that I am basically living my dream. I earn a paycheck working in OB services. Just last week I got to watch four babies take their first breath. Some days I literally stand in the middle of the newborn nursery with 15 or so babies around me and I realize how much I have what so many people want.
I am thankful that I have second job helping take care of 3 month old twin boys. I sit for 5 hours three days a week feeding, changing, and holding these boys. It may mean for some late nights but I am very blessed.
I am so thankful for the authentic friendships that fill my life. People who I can enjoy being around. Individuals who are joining me on my journey to heaven.
I am thankful during these cold months for cozy blankets, warm pajamas and radiators.
I am thankful for days off when I can relax and rejuvinate.
Coffee. Always thankful.
I am thankful for the scripture that begins my day. The very Word of God that sets me on the right track and grounds me.
I am thankful for yummy food, fresh laundry, a drink after a long day(s), texts from friends, Netflix and all the little delights that make life sweeter.
I am thankful for hope and joy. Virtues that keep me going. Virtues that cause me to rejoice and to also seek more.
Above all I am thankful for my personal relationship with Jesus. Call me cheesy but I am thankful for that I know a God who loves me.
That *is* a lot to be thankful for. It must be so delightful to have so many babies in your life (with the bonus that you can hand them off when they aren't being so delightful ;) ).