Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Not Alone Series: Fave Resources

What kind of blogger would I be if I didn't combine the Not Alone Series Fave Resources without combining it with Moxie Wife's Five Favorites also?  So if you have hoped on over here from the Five Favorites link up the Not Alone Series, in my words, is a group of women who link up and post about different topics related to the single season of life. You can read all my posts here about the topic.  I promise you it isn't just complaining and wishing for a husband with stars in my eyes.  It is about deepining the relationship with our Lord, doing His will as He wishes today, and growing on the path of holiness so that when it is His will we can enter into the Sacrament of Matrimony with our guy.

This weeks topic is our favorite resources related to growing on the path of holiness during our single season of life.


I am going to be that person that says my first favorite resource is the Bible.  How could I not, it is God's love letter to us His people.  I took a New Testament scripture course this past semester and over the semester we broke open as a class through lectio divino and discussion about two chapters of Mark, paragraph by paragraph.  My mind was blown by how intricate and purposeful everything was.  It made me appreciate just how awesome the Bible.

When talking about the Bible in relation to singlehood their are two things that immediatly come to mind.  The first being Proverbs 3:5-6,
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight.  In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths."
Talk about calming your heart when you are frustrated that you are still single.  Also helpful when you are discerning other things in life.

The other reading that comes immediately to me is Proverbs 31:10-31, The Noble Wife.  I try to read these verses as often as possible trying to keep them fresh in my mind so that all the day long I can be striving to become more the woman, and I think one day wife, the Lord calls me to be.


My second favorite resource is Captivating by John Eldredge.  I have read this book multiple times and also read Wild at Heart, the guy "version.".  I was going to pull the book out and add some quotes but apparently it is packed away with my school stuff.  The core of the book is that women's core desires are to be romanced, to play an ireplacabe role in a great adventure, and to unveil beauty.  When you stop and think about it so much of our feminine heart does boil down to this.  While the book not a code to live by it does make you stop, think and reflect.  


Another is the saints.  St. Gianna is such an inspiration to me of a holy wife and mother and that if the Lord calls me to work when I am a mom, that is ok.  If St. Gianna can be a physician, wife, mother and saint then the Lord could call me to that too.  St. Ann. Everytime I see the time strike 11:11 know that I am saying, "St. Ann, St. Ann find me a man." (Something this past years roommate taught me.)  Also, although I can't find it, there is a prayer by St. Anthony or St. Ambrose (I believe) that talks about resting in the Lord's love for us.  I know, I know how much can it be my favorite if I don't even know what it is, just trust me on it.

UPDATE:  My household sister helped me out (you can check out her awesome blog here.)  I was refering to the "Be Satisfied with Me" prayer by St. Anthony of Padua.

"Everyone longs to give themselves completely to someone,
To have a deep soul relationship with another,
To be loved thoroughly and exclusively.

But to a Christian, God says, "No, not until you are satisfied,
Fulfilled and content with being loved by Me alone,
With giving yourself totally and unreservedly to Me.
With having an intensely personal and unique relationship with Me alone.

Discovering that only in Me is your satisfaction to be found,
Will you be capable of the perfect human relationship,
That I have planned for you.
You will never be united to another
Until you are united with Me.
Exclusive of anyone or anything else.
Exclusive of any other desires or longings.
I want you to stop planning, to stop wishing, and allow Me to give you
The most thrilling plan existing . . . one you cannot imagine.
I want you to have the best. Please allow Me to bring it to you.

You just keep watching Me, expecting the greatest things.
Keep experiencing the satisfaction that I am.
Keep listening and learning the things that I tell you.
Just wait, that's all. Don't be anxious, don't worry
Don't look around at things others have gotten
Or that I have given them
Don't look around at the things you think you want,
Just keep looking off and away up to Me,
Or you'll miss what I want to show you.
And then, when you're ready, I'll surprise you with a love
Far more wonderful than you could dream of.

You see, until you are ready, and until the one I have for you is ready,
I am working even at this moment
To have both of you ready at the same time.
Until you are both satisfied exclusively with Me
And the life I prepared for you,
You won't be able to experience the love that exemplified your relationship with Me.
And this is perfect love.

And dear one, I want you to have this most wonderful love,
I want you to see in the flesh a picture of your relationship with Me.
And to enjoy materially and concretely the everlasting union of beauty, perfection and love that I offer you with Myself.
Know that I love you utterly. I AM God.
Believe it and be satisfied"

The saint are such a source of powerful intercession and example when it comes to being single, growing in holiness and becoming more of who the Lord desires you be as a one day wife or sister.  Of course a favorite resource.


Another favorite resource of mine is good, holy friends.  Women who can encourage you when you are struggling and rejoice with you when you are joyful.  They are woman who don't let you mope in singleness, call you on to be a more of the woman who the Lord is calling you to be, and make the single years all the more sweater with late night wine talks, morning coffee, and heart to heart discussions that just make your heart swoon.  I am so lucky to have best friends from high school, friends I have met at college and above all my household sisters who inspire me and encourage me more than I could ever thank them for. 


My fifth and final favorite resource would have to be blogs.  Not any one in particular but so many in general.  I always happen to come upon a well written blog post right when I need it that encourages me and nudges me farther down the path of faith.  I remember one in particular during advent that was the permission I needed to wait with anticipation for my future spouse in the the same way that we wait for the Christ Child during advent.  Blog articles, chosen carefully can be quick light encouragement that can be weaved into our busy days.


Now I know everyone cares what my post schedule will be since I have promised posts about running and weddings.  Well I am going to be going out of town tomorrow morning for another wedding until Sunday.  That means you get to see quick uploads of road trippin' pics which will either draw you into my instagraming or make you swear that you will never ever follow me on instagram in fears that your feed will just blow up.  After that some posts about running (eeek!!) and weddings.  Somewhere in there my blog design might also be updated so don't be alarmed if you see pretty blue floral rather than big stone angel.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

WIWS (Vol.27)

"It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood...."

How great it is to see the sun shining after the kindof crummy day yesterday.  Out of all the days to be crummy it had to be yesterday, the day my roommate from Maggie's Place was having a backyard wedding.  I want to do a whole post about that and my time at Maggie's Place because I realized I have never really talked about it here on the bloggity.  For now I leave you with two pictures but I do hope that you will come back for more.

Onto Sunday.  Today we are going to Mass at our "other parish" aka the parish my mom works at and the one we used to belong to before we switched to our now parish for the last Mass for the assistant pastor there.

The Outfit:
Skirt:  Target
Wrinkled Shirt:  T.J. Maxx/Marshalls
Sandals: Target
Earrings:  Picked them up this weeek from Old Navy, on sale for $2.99!
Bracelet:  Bridesmaid gift from MaryClaire, she choose the beads for them and had someone make them, a treasure!!
Coffee Cup:  precious gift from a beautiful friend

And there is just something so great about sheets drying on the line that I just had to include it!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

July Cara Box

Cara Box

I have been so excited to receive my July Cara Box especially since my June partner ended up being a flop and never sending me anything.  If you don't know what a Cara Box is head on over to Kaitlyn's blog to learn about it.

This month's theme was "Nautical." I received a box from Shane at Whispering Sweet Nothings and am going to be sending one to Lauren at Simply Southern, Simply Lauren. I haven't sent it yet because she is on vaca and I don't want it to be sitting on her porch or something like that for too long.

It was great emailing Shane.  We learned that we were both going into our last year of college and that we both live and go to college in Ohio.  I was giddy when I saw the box had arrived.

My two favorite things were this great little blue chevron bag with matching drink coozie and this awesome little nautical themed note cards.   The chevron bag will be perfect for throwing a water bottle, headphones, and wallet into when I head to the gym or my bible, journal, and a book for the chapel, because Frannies do things like have a chapel bag.  I am always wanting little notecards to stick in a gift so these were just perfect!!

I think I am going to participate for one more month and then back out for now because I just don't really do any shopping when I am at school.

If you are here for the first time visiting from Wifessionals-welcome! Stick around because I can't wait for Lauren to get her box!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

One Year

One year ago today I started writing on this blog regularly.  I can't believe it has been a year.  I have finished another year of nursing school, seen so many of my friends and household sisters become wives, experienced the joy of Franciscan University for another year, and grown another year wiser.  Here on the blog I have shown you many a Sunday outfits, presented some of my favorites, given some quick takes, contributed to the Not Alone Series and written oh so much about my beloved household and school.   Through this blog I have gotten to know some lovely ladies, encouraged myself to read more and most importantly carefully think out ideas so that I could clearly present my thoughts. Many a times I have wanted to quit but for even more reasons I haven't.  I am ready for another year of this crazy bloggy world.  Here's to another of growing relationships, writing from the heart, sharing my story and very soon a new design.

By the numbers:

200 blog posts
9921 page views
26 google followers and 13 bloglovin followers

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Five Favorites (7-23-13)

I have been doing alot of "themed" Five Favorites but this one is completely random.


I splurged last week.  I got the idea in my head that I wanted a gel manicure and being in a wedding and earning a paycheck this summer were good enough reasons for me to give it a try.  Groupon had a half off deal going on at a local nail salon making it only $20 and $27 with a tip.  I like not having to worry about it chipping and keep looking at my nails so that I can enjoy them.  Funny thing was that even though we went at different times and to different places, the bride and I choose the exact same color. 


When I first started nannying Gino at the beginning of the summer he was anything but a happy baby rarely being content when not being held.  For a variety of reasons he has completely turned the corner and it is so great to be with a happy baby.  Defiantly a favorite for me these days.  I am going to miss hum at the end of the summer.


I have been really enjoying this respite in the weather.  Last week was HOT, like 90s and high humidity at 9.a.m. here in Ohio.  I am defiantly enjoying being able to go for a run in the afternoon and not sweating walking from the front door to the car (yeah I realize I probably won't be moving to Texas anytime soon.)


The wedding I was in this past weekend was one of my best friend's from high school's wedding.  I have always, but especially this summer, enjoyed hanging out with her family just chilling in the kitchen.  She is one of 8 children so people are always coming and going including her stay at home mom and work at home dad.  I always joke that I was going to move in once she got married and moved out.  It is so heartwarming to be welcomed by the family in this way and to have a relationship with each and everyone one of them and not just my friend.  The picture of the nails was actually taken while riding over to the wedding rehearsal with them.  I am just so blessed!


I just registered for the color me rad run in Pittsburgh with some of my friends from school and I am so pumped.  I am thinking it is going to be a great time.  Wait I have talked about running in two of my five favorites.  Hold the phone, Natalie has been running?  You will just have to come back to learn more about this life shattering new hobby of mine.  

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Not Alone Series: Friends with Guys?

Alot like Jen I feel like I can't really speak on this topic with any sort of authority because the amount of real and true guy friends I have is slim.  Of course I hang out with guys all the time, particularly when I am at school, but I don't really have any that I call up when I am having a bad day and guys aren't the first people I text when I want to do something Friday night.

To answer the question, I say their isn't any simple answer.  Being friends with guys isn't typically as easy as girls (notice I am not saying any nevers or always because this isn't a clear cut question).  I have found that when I form relationships with guys their is always this fork in the road of the relationship when I question "Do I like him?",  the answer has always been no and when I get over that hurtle our friendship rather than going down the romantic route becomes a closer friendship.  Sometimes this question takes a day to answer other times it takes longer.

Despite this, we ladies have to spend times with guys otherwise how are we going to find the one we want to marry.  For the majority of us our husbands aren't just going to come out of nowhere and fulfill our dreams.  We are going to meet them at a youth group event, at a mutual friends party, in line to get coffee,  or sitting next to us in class.  If we were to always turn our check to guys because a relationship with them wasn't as easy as with women than we might just miss out on our Mr. Future Husband.  

I have never been in a relationship but I can only imagine they complicate relationships with guy friends.  Things just can't stay the same way.  If you are trying to discern with a guy if you are called to marriage, or do enter into marriage, your relationship with guys just can't simply stay the same.  They have to change and they have to become completely transparent to your boyfriend/husband even if they totally trust you.

Finally, and more generally, though friendships with guys is possibly, they have to be different than your relationship with girls.  You can't share you heart the same way with Joe as you do with Jane, that just wouldn't be prudent.   Guys are a wealth of knowledge when we do need help figuring out guys but it would be far to intimate to share the inner working of our hearts with guys all the time.

These single years are a great time to really develop our relationship with other women so that we can prepare our heart to love a man.  That doesn't mean we can't have guy friends it just means those relationships are different and we need to focus on our relationship with other women.

A little vague right?  Does what I am trying to say make sense?


Since I know you all are wedding junkies come back for photos of the wedding I was in this past Saturday. Until then check out my instagram for some sneak peaks.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

WIWS (Vol. 26)

Yesterday was the big day-one of my best friends got married.  The wedding was incredible-weaved with faith and shining in beauty.  A full post, hopefully including pictures will come soon but first I wanted to show you the day after.

I call this the "I was all dolled up and smiled a lot yesterday look"

The details:
Cardigan:  Target
Shoes:  Trusty Rainbows
Unseen Hair:  Leftover from yesterday but due to the hair spray and bobby pins doesn't look too shabby
Expression:  I really am happy but wanted to change up the expression and the dead pan is always a good go to.

Now I won't really just bore you with this unimpressive outfit.  I gift to you a picture of a grammed picture of the bride and I.

Friday, July 19, 2013

This weekend...

Is a big weekend.  One of my best friends from high school is getting married.  They met in the first month of college and just having graduated from college they are ready to join their lives in the sacrament of marriage.  I am confident that when they say "I Do" they really do mean 'til death do us part and they will welcome the blessing of children.   It is a crazy time in their life, MaryClaire just took and passed her NCLEX last week,  they moved out of state on Monday and Jesse will be starting medical school this coming Monday.   It has been an incredibly blessing to be a part of the wedding.  Look forward to pictures from the wedding very soon.  

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Not Alone Series: Who Are You?

I hear angel choirs singing, do you?  My bloglovin' is working.  Woohoooo.  Don't ask me how I got it to work I just know it is and that makes me very happy.  So now you can follow me and it will actually work.  See right hand side.  And you want to come back because my new blog design is almost done.

Now on to NAS with this weeks topic-"Who are you right now as a young, single woman?".  You can head on over to Morgan's blog for the link up.

I think it is kind-of ironic that this is the topic during a crazy busy week.  On top of my three jobs I am in a wedding on Saturday, and thus have various things to do leading up to it that I am honestly so excited and delighted to do, and I am trying to help out as much as I can with the youth group service week at my parish.  I just want to tell you "I am always too busy to know myself", and if that is the case, which I unfortunately think is partially true, then I need to cut a whole lot out of my life.  I am very very much so an extrovert so even more, to a fault, find alot of my identity in other people.

After cutting out my identity in other people, I then want to describe myself as nursing student, summer nanny, etc but again that isn't who I truly am, those are just things I do.

So who am I?   I am a woman in relationship with God.  When it all boils down, that is who I am.  I am seeking after God's heart in my own unique womanly way.  It is this relationship that will make me a saint.  It is because of this relationship that I am passionately Catholic, desire to serve, love caring for the sick as a nurse, and have any bit of kindness in me (otherwise it would all be over powered by emotional swings and frustration).  This is who I am single and who I am confident I will be when I am married.  Because we really shouldn't be any different single as a we are married, just a little closer to heaven and a little more a saint.  As a young, single Catholic I am a woman after God's own heart.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Let the Fire Fall

Another book done.  I just love not having to be constantly with my nose in a text book or two so that I can actually enjoy reading during these summer months.  This book is one that my mom bought a few years ago, loved, and I am just now getting around to it.  Let the Fire Fall is a book by and about Fr. Mike Scanlan the Franciscan friar who made Franciscan University of Steubenville what it is today. 

If you don't know- they very very basic story of Franciscan is that it was a huge party school on the cusp of closing its doors forever.  Because Fr. Mike listened to God's call and first became a friar and then years later said yes to becoming the president of Franciscan University the school has undergone radical changes.  Fr. Mike decided to make the Catholic faith the backbone and priority in every aspect of  Franciscan University and as they say the rest is history.  Franciscan University is now known around the world, and even by the Pope (just ask the Bishop of Steubenville who upon introducing himself to the Pope, Pope Benedict said "Oh the one with the school") as being passionately Catholic. 

This book however doesn't just talk about changing Franciscan into the school it is today.  It also inspires you to live you faith purposefully.  To live radically for Christ.  To put Him at the center of your life and nothing else interfere with that.

So you still need to be convinced to read this book.   Let me just leave you with a handful of quotes.

"I write with a sense of urgency.  There's a war going on, people are dying, and many of us are asleep."


"If the Lord does not shape our way of thinking, the world will"

Boom x2

"Our task is to renew the Church and equip it to do His work"

"Build an environment of faith.  Take care of your primary constituency.  Get good people to join you.  Expect opposition.  Seek the Lord.  When you hear Him, do whatever is necessary to obey Him."

"I have fallen in love with the Church"

Boom.  Boom. Boom.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Not Alone Series: Despair and Vocations

I would be lying if I didn't say I almost wasn't going to join in this weeks link-up.  In fact I still can't promise you I will read all the other posts.  Why? Most of the year I am around a whole slew of women, who when together, unfortunately too quickly and easily fall into a pit of despair focusing on their empty wombs and lack of ring on their left hand.  There is nothing about that I like.  However, something happened this weekend that perfectly coincided with this post I just had to participate.

So I had a wedding this weekend.  I knew the bride from Franciscan.  There are a handful of other connections and my roommate from this last year was one of the bridesmaids and I knew about 8 other people coming.  I had people I could stand on the sidelines with and sip a cranberry vodka and I had people to dance with. But I didn't have a date.  And when I was driving to the reception, I was worried.  What if none of those people I knew were there when I got to the reception, what would I do then?   Would I awkwardly have to stand against the wall by myself?  I gave myself a few minutes to wallow and wish for a guy, boyfriend, fiancĂ©, or husband that could have accompanied me.  I knew though that I couldn't let the wallowing continue.  Somewhere on I-480, I decided I would just have to let the Lord be my date.  Always sounds cheesy but I knew He would surprise me beyond my wildest dreams.

The whole night ended up going better than I expected.  I told my mom I would probably dip out soon after dinner and be home early.  Instead I had a good time dancing for hours and catching up with friends from school.  I credit it all to making the decision not to wallow about my lack of husband and date and instead to choose to acknowledge the opportunity I have to be heads over heels in love with Jesus.

Despair is easy especially when you want to be a wife and mommy so bad, especially if it feels like years are quickly passing by still with no man in sight.  We have to though be women of grace who cling to Our Lord and quickly turn any feelings of despair into His loving hands, embracing His love and stepping fearlessly into the future knowing that He has it planned perfectly.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

WIWS (Vol. 25)

No small talk here today, right onto the outfit.  

The Details:
Dress:  Macy's, last year, with associates discount
Sweater: Cardigan
Belt:  Some thrift store
Bracelet:  From Servants of Mary shrine in Windsor, OH.  It used to have a cross charm too but now just a wing.  
Rainbows and mop on top of my head: result of dancing at a wedding til late into the night last night.  

Ok maybe a little bit of small talk.  I didn't have to work today so I got to go to Mass at my parish and cuddle with my Goddaughter, love it!!

If you want to see more dresses check out my post about dresses I am wearing to weddings and their activities this summer.  I wore that green #5 dress last night.  

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Five Favorites: Vitamins and Such

This is something you may not know about me but I am a huge fan of  vitamins and rely on them to feel my best.   For this five favorites I am going to pretend you care about the supplements I take.


I take a multi vitamin, or as we say on med lists MVI.  Right now I take gummy ones that don't have artificial coloring but I am not attached to them.  In fact I want to research a bit and find some really good multivitamins.  Any suggestions on vitamins you love?


I am a believer in fish oil.  Unseen, this stuff is supposed to be good for my heart.  What I do know,  this stuff is great for my mind and mood.  When I stay on top of taking my fish oil, I can focus and study better.  In addition, it helps to keep my mood from having the, um roller coaster often associated with a woman's cycle.  Lastly,  this isn't as noticeable,  but I defiantly think it helps to keep my skin looking clear and bright.


I rely on my calcium tablets.  Women should stay on top of how much calcium they are getting but because  I don't eat a lot of dairy due to some lactose sensitivity and not liking the taste of milk I need to supplement with pills.  Hopefully this stuff will help me have strong bones and teeth for a very long time.


In the winter I take Vitamin C.  I don't have time to get sick with clinicals a few times a week.  I know I might just be peeing alot of it out but I would rather do that than be sick.  Why don't I just eat and drink lots of citrus?  Well I had this unfortunate event last January when I did that and ended up with really bad canker sores.


This is new to me but I already am loving it.  Recently, I started using Arbonne's probiotics.  I often have some issues with bloating and indigestion, maybe I have a little IBS but either way I had read that probiotics can really help these symptoms.  I use them a few times a week on days when I don't eat yogurt and I think they are helping.  It hasn't been long enough to really sing it's praises but so far I am pretty happy.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Not Alone Series: Preperation

Back again for another week for the Not Alone Series on Jen's blog.  The series all about singlehood and building relationships along the way.  I think that is one of my favorite parts about this series, finding blogs of women who are just like you.

There is so much I could say about this topic-praying for my spouse, trying to chart, learning how to be a homemaker, discovering what I do or don't think is important in a marriage and family however the other ladies are doing such a great job talking about it that I will write about the first thoughts that came to mind.   Two ways that I prepare for my future vocation, which right now, through discernment, I am on the path towards marriage.

1.  Prayer
2.  My body

One.  Not only must I pray for my future vocation, my future husband, and our family now but I also must have a prayer life.  If I don't say my daily rosary now what makes me think I will when I have a husband, kids, and house to run.  If I don't have a deep romantic all consuming relationship with the Lord while I am young and single then I can bet I probably wont be having one when I am married.  I prepare for my future vocation by striving to have a rich prayer life and a real relationship with the Lord.

Two.  This may come off with a little bit of controversy but I prepare for my future vocation by preparing my body.  In the same thought process as above, if I don't eat right and exercise now what makes me think I will when I am a wife and mother.  However, greater than that I prepare my body for my husband and God-willing our children.  The sexual act is good and holy when done between husband and wife and is unitive and procreative.  Men and women were created to enjoy it. I want to be fit and healthy for my husband because I know he is going to like my body and I want to like it too. Frankly, I want to have a hot bod for my husband not because I think that will buy me love or that is all I will ever be loved for, but because I recognize that men are created as physical visual humans and I want to respond to that as I can.  But don't fret, I know my husband will love me no matter what size, shape, or number I am on the scale because he will love me because of who I am as a woman striving to get to heaven.  Besides my husband, God-willing, hopefully I spend many months pregnant and nursing and I want my body to be in tip top shape to nurture these little lives.  If I dream of one day having a natural birth I need to push through (pun not intended) running a 5k.

I love reading all your ladies posts and I want to hear your thoughts so please comment.

Also of interest,  I did a post yesterday about my attire for the bajillion weddings I have to go to this summer so go check that out! 

Monday, July 1, 2013

Dresses for Weddings

As I have mentioned before on this here bloggity I have just a few weddings to go this summer.  I was in dire need of some new dresses to add to my wardrobe to clothe myself in for said weddings and I thought "hey that sounds like a blog posts."  If you so decide to keep scrolling down you will see presented before your two little eyes some new and not so new dresses that will be worn as I watch "I dos" and dance the night away.  Accessories and bridesmaid dress will be another post for another day.  I did an attempt at artsy pictures of just the dresses because you will just have to wait to see them on until I actually wear them.

Let me tell you I have probably tried on 50 dresses in search of a few that I could feel really confident in.  Well my mom and her friend, Mrs. M were down in Steubenville and we stopped at a Marshalls, the stars aligned and I found three dresses I really liked.

Dress #1

Apparently Moony wanted to give the dress a sniff.  This dress is a spectacular mint color with a flattering drawstring cinched waist.  I love that it has wide shoulders so a sweater at Mass isn't necessary. Oh wait, the bonus, this dress was $20.

Dress #2

You have seen this one on me when I wore it for my bro's bacelorette Mass. Cream colored lace dress.  These lace dresses are all the rage. 

Dress #3

I have deemed this my shower dress because it is a little too casual to wear to a wedding.  This dress was the most expensive, you know something like $50.  It is the most flattering dress with its wrap around waist that is a little hard to see in the pic.  The color is a bit bright for me but the flattering aspect makes it ok.  Another perk is that the straps have those little snaps to keep your bra strap in place.  Score!!

Now the following two dresses I already owned but am planning on having them in the "dresses for weddings" rotation.  

Dress #4

A simple linen dress that I got on the sales rack at Target a few summers back and it has always been in my favorite pile since then.  You can see the detail in the second picture. 

Dress #5

 I ordered this dress online and I promise you it looks way shorter in this picture than it is on me. The color of the dress is a gorgeous emerald green.

Well their you have it.  I hope to do another post as I wear the dresses to weddings and also some accessory options.